TLS options. secure – if true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false (the default) then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false; tls – defines additional node.js TLSSocket options to be passed to the socket constructor, eg.

SSL/TLS authentication explained. This is a beginner’s TLS is the primary way to secure web traffic and is mostly used for that purpose. A whole lot of pages trust that TLS is secure (from the smallest online shop to Facebook), that is why things like How to send authenticated SMTP over a TLS encrypted May 15, 2013 How to test SMTP Authentication and StartTLS - Sysadmins May 17, 2014 SSL vs TLS - What's the Difference?


Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-TLS-Howto Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-TLS-Howto. Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme . This document describes how to install a mail server based on postfix that is capable of SMTP-AUTH and TLS.

TLS - Everything curl

Encryption and Authentication with SSL — Confluent SSL Overview¶. With SSL authentication, the server authenticates the client (also called “2-way authentication”). Because SSL authentication requires SSL encryption, this page shows you how to configure both at the same time and is a superset of configurations required just for SSL encryption.. By default, Apache Kafka® communicates in PLAINTEXT, which means that all data is sent in the Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-TLS-Howto Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-TLS-Howto. Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme . This document describes how to install a mail server based on postfix that is capable of SMTP-AUTH and TLS. Example using the z/OS FTP client with TLS KEYRING *AUTH*/* The user directs FTP to use TLS by specifying -a TLS or -r TLS on the FTP command: ftp –r TLS; Note: The virtual key ring is used only to authenticate the FTP server when client authentication is not required. Parent topic: Using a virtual key ring. Postfix TLS Support