The Sanno PHC-SPC is the third MSX produced for the Sanno Institute of Management, a Japanese Institute, which had as its mission to computerize the Japanese schools. This program was lead by the Sanno Institute of Business Administration and SPC means 'Sanno Primary Computer'.

SHAPE.TXT - SPC Wiki This text file is the shape model that SPC uses. SHAPE.TXT is output by densify. The shape is in the ICQ format, which is basically a 6-sided cube. Q size (resolution) values are between 8 and 512 in increments of factors of 2: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512. SPC-049 - The Shark Punching Center Item #: SPC-049 Shark Class: Jab Appear: Spiny Dogfish Shark Punching Contingencies: SPC-049 is to be kept in a containment chamber with the area of 1 football field with a depth of 17 feet. Any individual sharks are to be designated SPC-049-1, and any eggs/egg sacks are to be designated SPC-049-2.

SCP-4666, also referred to as The Yule Man, is a Keter-class object under the SCP Foundation's observation. It is a humanoid figure that travels around the world killing families and kidnapping children. SCP-4666 was first brought to the Foundation's attention in 1974, when its anomalous properties were first witnesses by Foundation personnel and the stories were first recorded, though the

A key diagnostic tool for SPC is understanding the state of the system. By state, I mean what are the conditions (the health or quality) of the landmark. There is no one parameter that tells you all of this, but it is looking at a wide set of details that tells you if there are problems. SCP-2521 | Villains Wiki | Fandom

Control charts, also known as Shewhart charts (after Walter A. Shewhart) or process-behavior charts, are a statistical process control tool used to determine if a manufacturing or business process is in a state of control. It is more appropriate to say that the control charts are the graphical device for Statistical Process Monitoring (SPM).

SCP-096, also known as "The Shy Guy", "The Tall Man", or "The Crying Man" is a hostile humanoid SCP in SCP - Containment Breach. SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an Item #: SCP-002. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-002 is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times, to keep it in what appears to be a recharging mode. In case of electrical outage, the emergency barrier between the object and the facility is to be closed and the immediate area evacuated. SCP-4666, also referred to as The Yule Man, is a Keter-class object under the SCP Foundation's observation. It is a humanoid figure that travels around the world killing families and kidnapping children. SCP-4666 was first brought to the Foundation's attention in 1974, when its anomalous properties were first witnesses by Foundation personnel and the stories were first recorded, though the SCP-076 is a large, black stone with a humanoid inside, nicknamed "Able", belonging to The SCP Foundation. Technically, SCP-076 is both the containment cube (SCP-076-1), made of engraved black stone, and the humanoid creature resting inside (SCP-076-2). Atop the cube rests a coffin, held up by chains made of an unknown metal, which in turn holds Able himself.